Ma liste de blogs

lundi 29 octobre 2012

Hello !
My name is Stella  and  I would like  introduce  myself!
I consider myself as an artist, I like drawing, painting, and make everything is creative.
I like animals, and I have two pets, two cats, one male and a female.

Trinity the female!

And hopee my male!
I love them they're so generous, and so beautiful.
I like spend time with my friends and my family, I have a big family, with two brothers and two sisters. I like to go at theater and cinema, and traveling, I went in Canada (Vancouver)
 in Italy, 
And in Swiss, that's all!!!!!!

        Mr Bean writing an exam

When  Mr Bean enter in the classroom, he sit down on a chair. He is next to a man he few words with him and he messing around him about the subject of exam, Bean think that the other man doesn't understand what it must revise.
After that there is a battle of pens, if I can say that. Everybody take out lot of pens, especially Mr Bean who do escalation as usually!   
Then the exam starts, Bean reads the paper and we can understand that he doesn't understand nothing! So he tried to copy his neighbor, but unfortunately his neighbor was wrong. So crumple his paper and he put it under his shoulder. He tried to be closer and closer of him discreetly, as that he can! He use as stratagem as he can to see the neighbor's copy, until that he steal the paper, but he see him, so he get back the sheet. He bring down his pen, but at this time the examiner see him, he show his pen to show his genuine. After he start to cry because he doesn't know nothing about the exam. But he didn't see the right paper that why he didn't know the answers, he doesn't have the time to finish...

 Stella Sauli

dimanche 28 octobre 2012

What's wrong with our education system?

1) Yes  Katherine Birdalish believes that there is a problem with UK's education system. She think the system is broken after have work in different school, because" it keeps children poor, poor". She think children take not them responsibility, they don't come in class with them school equipment for exams, because they think teachers are responsible  of them.  And she think too that some children victimize themselves,  and say teachers are racist, because of their origin, or because they're poor.

2)  According this teacher this problem exist because children use them culture as an excuse to not work and  teachers doesn't want to talk about this, they know that she say is true but they're afraid to lost them job because if you talk you  implicate your school.

3) The government minister think that's right teacher are in unfair and difficult situation. And people blame the government for this.

4) The suggestions are responsibility of every one they have to take them responsibility, and understand that go to school is important for them and for them children to, and not hiding himself all the time behind that's teacher's mistake and not mine.

5) If she would have the power to decide she would do everything is necessary to bring back discipline  in their school. And make sure that everybody trust teachers because they're professional and they know what they do. And do not easier and easier exams because children are lost and think aren't capable of.

Stella Sauli

           The Amish way of life!

The Amish are a religious  community. This people live in the United States of America. In this community people live like in the far west time , they have no electricity, no modern closes, no cell phone, no television or computer. Women's hair are hiding behind a hate like Ma's Dalton hate, and they have a long dress. Men wear a trouser with suspenders, on the shirt; they have a hate too which is large and made with straw. They believe in god and they are really strict with them members. They're Christians, and they live far from our  own way of life and withdraw of the world. The leader of every community choose who's gone married with who, generally, some old man can married young girl, sometimes they have several wives. I am not agree with lot of things in this culture, I don't know if people and almost women could be glad to live like that, maybe the better thing they do, is to respect environment, because they don't use car or any other thing which can pollute nature.

I think the most scaring is the fact to merry young girls with older man, or man who have many women. Maybe that's a good situation for men but not for women. I don't understand how women could endure all of this, and worst again they let them daughters live that; that's a mystery for me! Most strange again while they live in a very strict community with lot of rules, when they have between 16 and 21 years old they are put on "our world", to live like us, they drink alcohol and try everything they want to try. My view is that like that they have the choice to choose if they want to be an Amish or not, but I think too;  that's really cruelled because they don't know nothing about our society, and maybe this young people could be afraid to stay in this "world" which is oppose to them.

More of that sometimes Amish have to endure violence from people who's not Amish, like in Ohio where a young girl of fourteen years old and a seventy four years old man was attacked. And sometimes they have to endure violence of them own members. So there is no solution for this people to be happy in their life!

Stella Sauli
Hello it's Stella, and i'm finishing my blog!!!!!