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lundi 29 octobre 2012

        Mr Bean writing an exam

When  Mr Bean enter in the classroom, he sit down on a chair. He is next to a man he few words with him and he messing around him about the subject of exam, Bean think that the other man doesn't understand what it must revise.
After that there is a battle of pens, if I can say that. Everybody take out lot of pens, especially Mr Bean who do escalation as usually!   
Then the exam starts, Bean reads the paper and we can understand that he doesn't understand nothing! So he tried to copy his neighbor, but unfortunately his neighbor was wrong. So crumple his paper and he put it under his shoulder. He tried to be closer and closer of him discreetly, as that he can! He use as stratagem as he can to see the neighbor's copy, until that he steal the paper, but he see him, so he get back the sheet. He bring down his pen, but at this time the examiner see him, he show his pen to show his genuine. After he start to cry because he doesn't know nothing about the exam. But he didn't see the right paper that why he didn't know the answers, he doesn't have the time to finish...

 Stella Sauli

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